jaw surgery.
For The Ideal Profile
Sometimes there is a problem with the bite because there is a problem with the jaws.
The lower jaw may be too small, too large, or sits to the side; the upper jaw may be too narrow or too long; or the chin may be deficient. In these cases, orthodontic treatment together with jaw surgery may be the best option.
Jaw surgery is also known as orthognathic surgery. It will give you the ideal bite along with a well-balanced face.
Orthognathic surgery is usually reserved for adults but may be undertaken in some teenage patients.
A tremendous amount of planning goes into an orthodontic/orthognathic surgery treatment plan. Our orthodontist Dr. Devan Naidu and the oral and maxillofacial surgeon in Toowoomba will work together to plan your tooth and jaw movements. Several computer simulations will be generated to envisage the ideal result.
Surgery can greatly improve your appearance, chewing function, speech, and smile. Often braces together with surgery can change a person’s entire face and improve their confidence dramatically.
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We also accommodate busy lifestyles by offering early before school (7am-9am) and late after school (3pm-5pm) appointments.
Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) mandibular advancement
This is when the lower jaw is moved forward to correct a large overjet.
Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) mandibular setback
This is when the lower jaw is moved back to correct an underbite.
This is when the chin is moved either forward or back.
Le Fort I osteotomy
This is when the upper jaw is moved upward to disguise a gummy smile.
Three-piece maxilla
This is where the upper jaw is segmented and expanded.
Surgically-assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME)
This is where the upper jaw is widened with an expander to correct a crossbite in adults.
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