upper removable appliances.
The Fun Start For Kids
Upper removable appliances are plates that are used for young children.
Plates perform very simple tooth movements such as tipping and tilting of the teeth.
Upper removable appliances (URAs) are a great option for young children who just need a simple ‘tidy up’ of their teeth. They are great at correcting crossbites, overjets, and overbites. With just a few months of wear, the results can be quite amazing!
They are custom made for each type of bite. Patients can choose from 15 different colours and can even have sparkles incorporated into their plate!
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We also accommodate busy lifestyles by offering early before school (7am-9am) and late after school (3pm-5pm) appointments.
Can be removed for eating and any contact activity
Easy to keep clean
Simple to wear
our services.
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